Foreign Exchange
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Our dedicated team of dealers provides a range of comprehensive solutions for clients to manage their currency positions, hedge against the risks associated with interest and exchange rate fluctuations, and profit from currency positions. We use instruments such as spot contracts, forward contracts, foreign exchange swaps and Non-Deliverable Forward (NDF) contacts.


Spot contract is an agreement that helps clients meet urgent payment or investment needs by buying or selling a currency. The transaction is based on the spot rate and is settled in two business days. Currency pairs offered include major currencies such as USD/SGD, USD/CNH, AUD/USD, SGD/CNH, EUR/USD, etc.

Forward Contract is a tailor-made FX Forward (outright) product that helps client manage foreign exchange risk by locking in an exchange rate in the transaction and fixing the foreign exchange cost in their foreign trades, foreign currency borrowings, and investment overseas. The transaction will be based on an agreed exchange rate and is to be settled on (not before) an agreed forward date. The tenor ranges from one month to one year. Currency pairs offered include major currencies such as USD/SGDUSD/CNHAUD/USDSGD/CNH, EUR/USD, etc.

Foreign Exchange Swap is a pair of simultaneous purchase and sale of identical amounts of one currency for another with two different value dates (normally spot to forward), as an alternative instrument for clients in their foreign exchange management. The tenor of Foreign Exchange Swap can range from one month to one year. Once the contract is made, it cannot be taken up before settlement date. We accept the contracts in any major currency against USD, such as USD/SGD, USD/CNH, AUD/USD, EUR/USD, as well as SGD/CNH.

Non-Deliverable Forward (NDF) contract is a cash-settled currency forward which provides an offshore hedging mechanism in international trades and investments. The NDF contract is particularly used for currencies that were previously considered “unhedgeable” either due to the low liquidity of the currency or regulatory/settlement constraints. NDF contact is conceptually similar to a forward foreign exchange contract; the difference is that NDF does not require physical delivery of the non-convertible currency. A (notional) principal amountforward exchange rate and forward date are all agreed at the contract's trade date. At maturitythe difference between the contracted forward rate and the prevailing spot rate is settled in the convertible currency. We currently offer the USD/CNY currency pair for NDF for a tenor of up to (and including) 2 years.